If you want that to happen, first, there are a few things to understand—for instance, the evolution from e-learning to what 2021 generation solutions like Mindbox offer. 

During the last decade, e-learning and LMS technologies were just reshaped following the move of the technologies.  Driven by technology noveltiesthose solutions were not challenging because e-learning was not as engaging for employees as expected.  

All those were made at first to satisfy the company’s concerns to have: 

  • easy dispatch of the training, 
  • data analytics, 
  • content management, 
  • and later the mobile delivery thanks to the development of smartphone technologies. 

But results show that only a tiny percentage of employees use LMS. 

Is it due to a feeling of replicating the classroom dynamic? Lack of interaction? The list of reasons could be extensive.



And mainly what money, time, motivation and energy are wasted…  

So, at MindBox, we took the challenge to RETHINK all that. 

Yes! RETHINK how to approach employee development and interaction between companies and their employees. 

Our brains were in a kind of Star-wars mode’, bringing our experiences of ex-trainees, having sent employees to training, making strategic decisions on company employee development, etc.  

But then, we went wilder. Thinking about: 

  • What engaged us the most in digital environments? What do we like about that? 
  • What inspired us to transform the learning theory into an authentic experience? 
  • What could be the best out of our VR video game experience as engaged players and creative designers? 
  • What do we trash in our business bins after a quarter-century of management positions?

And surprisingly, we came up with simple results: to make four pivot criteria the core of our new app. 


Everything made to develop MindBox were articulated around those four pivot criteria. All that is true for the way we engaged in MindBox development, how we designed the app, and how we projected the future user experience… 

Here we speak about ‘perspective’. The perspective of the persons who want to learn and are ready to move from theory to authentic experience. 



Allow your employees to enjoy learning! 

At Mindbox, we conceptualised what you and we all like, meaning: 

For the employees/trainees/users 

  • on the move access 
  • mobile app 
  • Voice recognition – I reply verbally to the avatar. The reply is transcript into text and recorded as well. 
  • Micro-learning session (see our blog: This is the secret of micro-learning). Whenever and wherever I want – it is more exciting! 
  • One easy access to learning sessions and documents together 
  • to have the great feeling of the learning experience with tailored-made avatars and 3D environments. 

… it is simply NEW! 

For trainer / HR/marketingsales management or any admin of the learning strategy: 

  • Friendly user web-platform – accessible by any authorised persons, no need to have IT background to understand! 
  • One-look overview of the company’s global learning strategy: trainees, training follow-up, trained skills and roles… 
  • Text-to-speech technology allows writing questions and texts to be transformed into verbal speech by the app. 
  • Easy text entry allows to prepare questions for training, feedback, or simply speeches to communicate about new services and company strategies… 
  • Access to replies in text format and as well recorded ones if needed. 
  • Individual follows-up, with a possibility to download session results in PDF – The best way to file and compile assessments results in case of onboarding session, security training etc. 

This is MINDBOX, micro-learning technology for a better communication experience! 


Enjoy the experience 🙂

Christophe Beaujardhappy to connect 🙂

This is not a dream: in a very near future, you will use your avatar to have a social lifeto meet your friends and relatives, to work, to go for culture event. All that in virtual world 

This virtual world is called Metaverse.  

You may have no clue what this is about: me too until I watched Ready Player One written by Ernest Cline and directed by Steven Spielberg. This was my first time to see and understand what it means a virtual world (The Metaverse). A world where people socialise virtually, spend time together, have a virtual lifeIn this film, forced by the destiny of what happened in the Metaverse, people realise and appreciate again their true, real lives… 

Funny enough, at the end of the film for my wife and me, that raised a lot of existential questions about this virtual reality, which was in fact science fiction, for what we knew at that time… 

But Metaverse exists 

It was originally made for game players where avatars play the game for you, or better to say, you control your avatar and see him/her in the virtual world of the game. One of the examples of Metaverse universe is REC ROOM on oculus.com 


Will Metaversimpact your personal and social life?  

Maybe not tomorrow but it is right in the corner. Because the development of the Metaverse is moving fast into what Ernest Cline described in his novel 

The big steps are for sure in terms of quality and how close the reality the images are becoming. For example, avatars as we know today will give the place to digital humans. So, the aesthetic aspects with us will become closer and closer. Will this be the trigger pushing us to identify ourselves to our avatars? Or one more trigger could be exactly the feeling people have today during the lockdown: the need to escape our daily life routine, escape from our home, or even from our home office… and we will see that the step to move into virtual world will become so simple.  

That’s why technology corporates like Nvidia invest in solutions to enrich the Metaverse with more than playing game scenarios

Is this worrying? There will always be the ones pro who will jump into the Metaverse to search or create what they could not get in their lives. And there will be the ones who will be reluctant by fear of losing their own identity. 

I would say it is in a way like Facebook, when it arrived, the early adopters were already registered when people like me were still ignoring it because of this feeling it was not part of our generation or part of our needs… and today I am on Facebook regularly, and it is part of my life.  

So, coming back to know if Metaverse could impact or not our respective lives, I believe we will still have time to think about that.  

And as humankind, without the help of AI, we should be able to know how to balance our both lives, real and virtual. But I am not sure to be correct here, not knowing what will be considered as real, shall we say physical and virtual? 


Metaverse mindbox


This is not a dream, it is coming. It is like a projection into the future on how human interaction will be.  

Human interactions which are the foundations of corporate DNA. Does it mean that corporates will just be virtually represented, hiring your avatars as employees?  

have recently heard that the lockdown due to the COVID creates big challenges for corporates to keep their DNAs and team spirits. Not because employees have to work and communicate remotely, but because employees don’t have no more chance to gossip, no more chats in the company corridors, at the coffee machine. Gossips are said to be a great vehicle to keep or at least to participate to company DNA, information, creativity and team spirit.  

Is it old fashion to think that without physical and unformal meetings in the company corridors, at the lunch break, we will lose the habit to gossip and share knowledges?  

One may think we will have special courses to train on how to spontaneously chat in Metaverse!! 

At least, we can imagine, in few years that it will not matter to be in lockdown as we experience today, because you will just go shopping, to the cinema watching films with friends in the Metaverse? Enjoying your life differently. 


Are you ready?  

One thing is sure: the existential questions we had after watching Spielberg film, were just the first ones of a long lists of existential questions we, you will have. 


All the best! 

Christophe Beaujard 


PS: Thinking of that, we may have to hire a team to develop the next generation of MindBox for the Metaverse, where we will have an entire virtual training centres, with dedicated trainers and coaches… sorry I mean avatars who will be great at helping others avatar? /people? to become great at what they do or want to be… 

Having in mind that employee’s training is worth the investmentwhat to do next? 

You need to develop a training plan, with options for customization to match situations faced by your team members. The flexibility as well, allows you to better match the persons’ skills, experience and even the gaps among team members.  

Conventional or technologybased training, this is your choice, but the training solutions you will use has to keep the pace with changing market. When I say, changing I also include the fact that HR people and teams have front of them employees, colleagues with changing expectations, in phase with their lives and living styles. That’s maybe why, I naturally tend to use the word ‘learning’ over ‘training’… an interesting perspective to have 🙂

The leverage, companies have with an inspiring learning strategy can’t be neglected, there are so great benefits. Often underestimated, your asset is your people, and they have to be at the centre of your business strategy and not just a cost in your P&L. I know what you think when reading that but believe me I have met and discussed with many HR directors and CEOs in different industries. And unfortunately, many of them considered really HR and even employee’s fluctuations as simple figures at the bottom of their P&L. Once, I met the frustrated HR director of a company with 7500 employees in CEE and 35employee fluctuation who clearly said: we have it booked in our P&L, the board take it as cost, but not as an issue to solve! …. This is a reality, and this one was only few years ago.  

Imagine the cost of employee’s fluctuation!  

With one fewer worker: 

  • Your company’s productivity slips.  
  • Sales decline.  
  • Your current staff members are required to work more hours.  
  • Morale may suffer.  
  • To find a replacement, you spend time screening and interviewing applicants.  
  • Once you hire someone, you need to train that person.  

The cost of staff turnover adds up. Figures vary, but that is a heavy price to pay for not training your employees. 

Thereforeit is a key and priority focus to make sure your employees understand your company promise and visions. Often described as the company ‘WHY’. This concept developed by Simon Sinek was inspiring any strategies from HR, PR and sales we implemented in our company. I have to say that it helps to clarify why you do what you do, why employees work for you, and more than everything: it fosters a common and spontaneous team engagement for the benefit of the company. 

A book I highly recommend reading.

This concept, when used to explain the company DNA, core values, visions and business approach during talent onboarding sessions will decrease your fluctuation of the first hiring months. Because the ones who stay are the ones who match your company ‘WHY. 

With that approach which helps employees to better engage in the same direction you still need to be sure that every employee understands what their role is about. Mainly what their role is in every situation, every encounter, and every action making the company life. Your learning strategy will ensure your employees know how to deal with your targets whatever they are i.e. your company global vision, sales figures, product development, brand recognition etc… 



This is the typical example of a sales strategy between the companies which are able to increase concretely their sales after implement learning strategy and the others with minor or no success at all. 

Yes, of course the working environment, market pace, products or services have to be taken into account, but PEOPLE make the differences.  

So, you can help your sales team to build higher confidence in reaching higher expectations with short learning sessions, structured (see our blog Don’t be a bot! – here).  But keep in mind that learning is not about books memorization; it’s about listening to your clients, using complaints to train on issues resolution and delivering outstanding service in every encounter. Therefore, the key is how your employee understand and how they could exceed your client’s expectations, so you truly create the best client’s experience. 

For that when creating your micro-learning sessions. 

  • Be the company ecosystem keeper and driver. It means your message content, the way you build your questions and speeches need to reflect your company core values, DNA, visions (explained above with the ‘WHY concept’). All that is possible thanks the technologybased learning solutions. 
  • Help your employees to understand at first what your client’s expectations are.  
  • Create experience. By themselves, employees can learn how to exceed client’s expectations and that is possible. Using communication methods, simulation-based scenario, your employees will experience to go out of their comfort zone, better manage their stress to face client’s meeting/calls. What a frustration to hear from salespersons that your client hasn’t answer to their emails. Hey! Here, why you haven’t called the client? ‘ Any recalls of such experience?  
  • Indirectly and naturally, they will learn how to exceed your client’s expectations, thus you truly create the best experience for them 
  • Encourage your employeeto resolve issue on the spot when possible. By experience, we all know that employees who are empowered are able to take action, to respond confidently and quickly to complaints or concerns (client, supplier or from team members) 
  • With better understanding of client typologies, make your employee experience client’s side of business life. Include what their typical day is like, how and why they enter into discussion with your company, the business barriers they face and the reasons why they would choose your competition. 
  • In addition to understand how to communicate, design learning sessions on listening and caring. The complaint diminishes in importance when someone listens, cares about the details and identifies an agreed upon plan of action. Simple to create role plays between your employees with the avatars of your eLearning solutions. 
  • Show your employee that caring means as well to follow-up with your clients. You can include that as the last part of a learning session related to ‘problem solved’. Unfortunatelyclient follow-up is often associated by employees as time consuming for nothing Learning and experience will hopefully show them that, follow-up will help them to build a trustworthy client relationship.  
  • Use lifelike descriptions in learning sessions, using different immerse environment, creating situations and even making the avatar acting with different personality types. 

Nowadays thanks to what technology offers the best in learning solutions, we are facing so great opportunities to make better, to improve and create employee’s true learning experience. 


All the best! 

Christophe Beaujard 

ordinary into extraordinary

What used to be is now turned to be changing world. A corporate world where we now tend to focus most on the “here and now”, with many reorganizations trying to do more with less. This has direct impact on mental health and people wellbeing as many experts are highlighting every day on any social and professional channels. 

In this environment, managers naturally tend to be most focused on essential day-to-day operations and less interested in longer-term activities perceived as having less certain payback. The reverse logic of that is, taking an honest interest in someone builds loyalty.  

Loyal employees are more engaged.  

Engaged employees are more productive.  

Companies generally satisfy employee’s needs for on-the-job development, and these opportunities are valued by them (including high-visibility positions and significant increases in responsibility). But they’re not getting much as it used to be in the way of formal development, such as soft skills training, mentoring and coaching –things employee also value highly. 

And those are the classic points why employee’s development is a chronic problem, and why it should not be. 

Training remaining the roots of employee’s development, here are few reasons why training beyond general company orientation has to remain a top priority. 

You may think that you can’t afford to get into employee’s development strategy taking into account current COVID market situation you face. But development planning doesn’t have to be wide or costly. At its core, it’s mostly a matter of good management teams taking the person-to-person time to understand their employees… recognizing their skills and needs… and guiding them to fill in the gaps. If it’s done well, the payoff can be substantial in terms of long-term loyalty, if not then companies pay a high price: the loss of talents. 

Training is not a magical one-time event. It is hard work, and it is a never-ending job. For the managers, training can be one of the most important elements of individual and team success. 

Yet, it is often for example, the most neglected part during employee on-boarding and retention.  

It is important to keep in mind that: 

Training applies to every day of every employee’s life. 




Training helps your business run betterFor example, trained employees will be better equipped to handle client’s inquiries, make a sale or use a new process solution. 

Training is a recruiting tool. Today’s younger generations want more than a paycheque. They are geared toward seeking employment that allows them to learn new skills. You are more likely to attract and keep good employees if you can offer development opportunities. 

Training promotes job satisfaction. Helping employees to develop more soft skill sets will help them contribute to the company future and growth. The more engaged and involved they are in working for your success, the better your rewards will be. 

Training is a retention tool, instilling loyalty and commitment. Employees looking for the next challenge will be more likely to stay if you offer ways for them to learn and grow while at your company. Don’t give them a reason to move on by letting them stagnate once they’ve mastered initial tasks. 

Training adds flexibility and efficiency. You can cross-train employees to be capable in more than one aspect of the business. This will help keep them interested and will be enormously helpful to you when setting schedules or filling in for absences or facing change situations (see our Blog about change management)Cross-training also fosters team spirit, as employees appreciate the challenges faced by co- workers. 

Training is essential for knowledge transfer. It’s very important to share knowledge among your teams. If only one person has specific skills for your activities, you will have a tough time recouping the knowhow if that person suddenly leaves the company. Spread knowledge around, it is like diversifying your investments. 

Training gives seasonal workers a reason to return. Let seasonal employees know there are more ways than one to contribute. Instead of hiring someone new, offer them a chance to learn new skills and benefit from their experience. 

Accordingly training and upgrading employee skills makes business sense. It starts from day one and becomes successive as your employees grow. Granted, it may take some time to see a return on your investment, but the long- term gains associated with employee training make a difference. The short-term expense of a training program ensures you keep qualified and productive employees who will help your company succeed. 


All the best! 

Christophe Beaujard 

But how to train your team about change management or prepare them for ongoing changes when they are remotely managed? Take the advantages of VR micro-learning to turn it into an effective learning tool for inspirational change management learning sessions. 

When a change happens, we all react according to the very same pattern. See here the Kübler-Ross change curve. 

What varies is the time it takes to accept the change and the magnitude of the depression phase. 

Acceptance of the change remains the key focus of all persons who decide to implement and communicate about something new & impactful. Being aware of how to initiate the move will help you to implement or to support a major company transition. For that, micro-learning sessions could be a useful tool to have to reduce the gap between the shock and the acceptance of the change. Consequently, that will help to provide the most positive feeling possible to a maximum of employees at the same time toward the communication of a coming change. 




It’s all about communication. 

Communication strategy and the content itself of the communication you want to make, can be prepared using the different concept. It has to be built taken into account the personality types of your team. You can map the personality type of your team using different methods such as: and not limited to: 

  • The DiSC® built upon the foundation of what William Moulton Marston identified as four primary emotions and associated behavioural responses. Those are Dominance | Influence | Steadiness  | Conscientiousness. Often explained and used associated with birds, animals or metaphors/things related to the concerned business or specific situations 
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI®) and its 16 personality types – very interesting method which allows to get a better understanding of how to communicate with team members according to team personality mapping and situations. 

Then to increase the chance of change acceptance, why it is interesting to investigate in creative solutions? 


  • it will generate positive energy within your team, organisation and company. 
  • it will give opportunities to some of your people to embrace the change quickly and help others who would need some extra support: which also contributes to reinforce team spirit and team cohesion. 
  • it reduces the inertia to implement changes and keeps brains available for other key topics rather than to fight against the change. 
  • and above all, leaders need to keep their working environment safe and positive for their team members. This will help people to enjoy their working days. With a direct impact on an increase of loyalty and overall business growth. 



Creativity in everything you say and everything you do 

A nice sentence to write, as it is like writing the first words of a long story on a white paper without borders 🙂 … but indeed it is a challenge to fulfilWe have to be business realistic and keep that creativity within the corporate guidelines, internal rules or simply based on higher management recommendations. 

But still, I strongly believe there is space for achieving the necessary creativity for successful change management training.  

  1. The key is to keep your concept, whatever the method used, to SIMPLICITY and CLARITY. When communicating or more precisely when training about change management, this will help to better build people’s confidence in the topics. Doing so you avoid confusions, unclear statement, and additional worries on top of the ones initiated by the change itself.
  2. To have effective communication when experiencing remote teams is definitely a challenge. When changes are concerned, the topics are critical and often complexed to approach even on a face-to-face meeting. With one or few team members, it is obviously better to keep it the usual online meeting, but still keeping in mind the overdose of online meetings.
  3. Having a learning format with embraces team member’s engagement, and motivation to learn.  

Here in my opinionthe advantages of technology-based training can’t be challenged. And VR learning solutions, whatever the format, are the best to inject creativity into your strategy. The efficient of immersed base training has been case-study proved by many companies. And one major case-study was the one published by PWC US.

With enough means, financially and in terms of organisation, I would go for VR headset solutionsNonetheless, it requires a bigger investment, a longer time of implementations mainly with the development of VR scenarios and environments.  

Alternatively, if the training strategy requires a fast, flexible and cost-effective deployment for any company scale, learning solutions on the mobile app. would be the best approach. 

So, if you want to be creative when writing your ideas on your white board, and to make in a pragmatic and safe way your learning strategy a factor of success, just remember: 

  • Communication method 
  • Creativity 
  • VR learning on mobile


All the best! 

Christophe Beaujard 

Few months ago, for a job ad we posted we received 56 CVs, and only 5 were relevant. How many CVs do you have to screen to make sure you get some potential candidates with the feeling of wasting of your time? 

MindBox can help you to make this screening process more efficient and less time consuming.  

MindBox can be used for a first round selection or even to get into more details of an interview depending on how you structure the e-interview with one or more micro-sessions. 

MindBox is a VR micro-learning app on mobile phones or tablets, with a cloud-based platform to manage the HR/trainer admin. Knowing that MindBox is available on Google Play or Apple Store, candidates can easily get the app after receiving your e-interview invitation by email.  

Sure, this approach will allow the candidates to prepare themselves to choose the right momentum to make the interview sessions and the right place where they feel comfortable. But what? That can only be better!  

In any case, you will get the spontaneity of the interviews as they have no chance to edit their replies. So, it remains a challenge, but you give them the chance to be all at the same starting line, without external influences except the ones they control. 🙂 

Moreover, they don’t have any clue of the questions content, so you can even surprise them. Candidate assessment being often associated with case studies, you can just make your own role-play using different avatars and backgrounds.  

Then, your assessment will be eased thanks to: 

  • the list of the candidates and their individuals replies at a glance 
  • the alternative to have more visual KPIs using keywords to be answered by the candidates. Keywords specific to the role you offer or to your business segment. Keywords you expect the candidate to master.  
  • the colour set in MindBox for correct replies. This will help you during your first screening, which is definitely good for a large pre-selection of candidates, with keyword setting. 
  • session format which allows you to include videos, pdf , webpage links etc. With that you can develop your employer branding.  
  • focused sessions about your company core values and DNA. That will help your future talents to understand and be ready for a better match.  
  • alternative knowledge test sessions with just Q&A prepared from shared documents. 

Possibilities are just limited by your HR creativity 🙂 . 

And then, you will be all set and ready to dedicate your time just to the online interviews or face to face interviews which have a meaning.  

With the candidate’s CV and MindBox reports in hands, you will lead differently the interviews. With a feeling to better know the candidate, the interaction will be improved thus the quality of the assessment. 



Isn’t it a way to give a spark of energy in the routine recruitment process? The perfect set of an ‘Out of the Box’ recruitment process.  

Routine questions, lack of energy of recruiter whatever the reasons, influence the overall of the recruitment interviews. On a market under tensions to find not the ‘right’ candidates but simply the candidates, it is easy to lose the company capability and HR team energy to find the right candidates. 

Simply by turning Mindbox as your e-interview tool, you can: 

  • be seen as an innovative employer thanks to cutting edge technology 
  • re-energise your HR team 
  • give them more space for focusing on what is essential 
  • allow them to engage in more meaningful interviews 
  • increase your global recruitment performances 


All the best! 

Christophe Beaujard 

You and we don’t want that to happen. So, let’s get some tips about e-learning implementation in companies to be sure to get all the e-learning benefits.

It was a time when it was simply SIMPLE, to just approach a colleague, or have a chat with an employee and be able to express the needs of training. During that kind of interactive meeting HR team had the opportunity to better assess and to interpret people’s needs through the conversations, body language, face expression… and spontaneity of reactions when exchanging ideas of new learning needs.  

All that was giving space for the colleagues, employees to feel safe in engaging in the learning process, understanding the outputs without feeling a top-down pressure, a must-to-do order. 

E-learning definitely changed that into a more formal way to approach learning needs i.e. receiving a push-notification or an email to register to a training session, with a direct impact on employee’s engagement to learning.  

According to a survey made by LO Magazine market research, a mere 20% of employees were willing to engage in e-learning sessions a few year ago. This is the painful percentage knowing that e-learning had been part of company digital transformation, involving a lot of changes and investments. 

One key change was for HR people to gain the e-learning culture to better understand how it works – here I don’t speak about features but how to approach and build contents which bring all the benefits e-learning could bring to their learning and development strategies. But, then they had to face a poor reality: remote workplaces, and e-learning participated to break that particular link HR people built over the years with the employeesThat relationship or we could say true connection established when explaining the benefits of a training, face to face, listening to the employee’s reactions. 

And at the same time, employees lost the safety space they had for interaction when speaking about their needs for self-improvement, career path, skills to improve etc.  

No more buffers, direct e-requests for training, optimisation of training KPI, automatic training reminders… creating new employee feelings. Exactly the type of employee’s feeling against e-learning, HR professionals didn’t expect to generate. The feelings of employees to be always controlled, under pressure for achievement learning sessions on top of the daily business pressure… making them reluctant to achieve more in their learning engagement. 



I am not sure there is one unique solution to change that and to still take the benefits of the e-learning solutions.  

But I am sure that the experience of the lockdown brought us, somehow, an understanding of how to improve that kind of situation. 

At worldwide scale, a big number of companies lost part of their company DNA and team spirits just by keeping the old way of communicating, without highlights on people true needs facing that unprecedented situation. Then, another big number of companies, proved to take advantage of the e-learning tools to turn them as the right vehicle to keep cove values and key messages spread. This gives the advantages to interaction versus obligations i.e., interaction allowing more employee feedback, initiating ideas and creativity, versus the obligations to achieve courses. And one more approach for those latest group of companies, was and still has been to make the more inspiring connection (so seen as learning session still keeping the learning angle), and respectful of people needs, creating back the safety space employees need to engage. 

For any HR professionals, learning manager or company trainers, the experience viewed from the learner is therefore key to how to approach an effective way to implement employee learning and development strategy. 

It is not the way to say ‘yes’ to learner’s expectations to make this happening.

But to create the right cocktail between:

  • The needs to have session KPI – so to have less but different KPIs than what they used to be, may help to unload the way learning sessions are presented and followed-up 
  • The time dedicated for a learning session – shorter will be far better, bringing more flexible for people to arrange their time with the motivation to have more small sessions than one long. This is related as well to the information retention. See my blog ‘Small to achieve more: this is the secret of micro-learning’.
  • Gamification as defined here. This could be achieved by the content itself, the format of the e-learning you use. 
  • The novelty of the solutions you use…. Here it is not the point to spend more money, but it is to have an e-learning solution which is in line with what people have easily access to in their personal life in terms of technology and formats. This is even truer for millenniums but should be applied to all generation and genders of employees. For ones, it will be considered as normal, for others as inspirations, and for the latest as a challenge to take to move-on. 
  • The mobility of the support. Don’t put more time to your employees front of their computer, give them this kind of freedom smartphone and tablets offer, it means flexibility of whenever wherever. 

Ready to take the challenge and get all the benefits of the e-learning solutions.

So, all the best to prepare your right cocktail? 

All the best! 

Christophe Beaujard 

Don’t be a bot!

What does it mean? Whenever you think micro-learning, you have to forget the way of creating contents for the good sake of making an e-learning session. Because not only the format of the micro-learning pushes you to rethink the structure of your training content (see the Secret of Micro-learning), but as well you have to take into account the modern trainee’s expectations. 

In summary, you have to become a learningexperience creative and not a bot!  

And here VR micro-learning seems to definitely have a better advantage against what it used to be: you can bring learning experience individually! 

Obviously, when we could all enjoy team building days or team coaching sessions, the learning experience was the natural take away from the sessionsLearning experience triggered by the team spirit, the environment, the interactions created by the trainer and the individuals. 

But when you are left with remote teams, limitations to organise group sessions, does it mean we have to forget about what learning experience means? NO! 

The beauty of VR micro-learning is its principlessimulation base, engaging and convenient-format to use. And those are what would expect any modern trainees to experience. 

So, for HR teams and trainers to become learning-experience creatives would help to turn learning strategy into successful employee experience. 

Those are the basics I would recommend adopting to be more on a journey of learning creative:


1. Clean-up and prepare your existing training contents by breaking down the content goal into sub-goals with a clear structure and a shorter content version.

You need to keep in mind that your target is to get some tangible results of the learning sessions, nothing elseTangible results could be by bringing new skills to your employees to solve concretproblems/situationsYou can also get them by giving them means to improve their general business or product/service knowledgeSome companies will get such results by helping their newcomers to have a smooth company onboardingAnd truer than ever, tangible results could be by preparing your teams to better manage changes and more... the list of examples is long, and you are the one to manage it. 🙂 

Please keep in mind that even if you make some existing content fun, and you don’t keep them targeted and mainly shorter, that will turn into boring learning experience. 

2. Have a focusedcontent preparation

Micro-learning solutions are really affordable solutions for any companies.

So, it is important and good that you are not pressured for return on investments and keep the roots of your jobs as trainer. By definition is to create valuable content and courses which brings effective learning experience. This is how knowhow transfer works. 

Believe me, you will have much more energy of acting as learning creative than cost controller. 🙂  

3. Micro means short.

Most of your employees will not be motivated if they know that the learning sessions will take their working time (or feeling so). The question is to assess what it is a reasonable time session to keep employee’ s engagement in learning. I don’t think there is a fixed rule for that as all will depend on the content itself. By experiencetrainees would rather engage in learning sessions more often if the sessions are not taking more than 5 to 10 minutes. That’s why many micro-learning solutions like MindBox limit the sessions to a certain number of questions. Here we have 20 questions max. in our original settings and usually we recommend keeping sessions to 10 questions.  

This fits perfectly to modern trainee’s expectations who prefer the on-the-go experience than classroom type. 

4. Bring a feeling of ‘new’ by using different avatars and backgrounds according to your courses.

This is so simple thanks to technology-based learning solutions. With only few clicks you can create learning environment from a choice of backgrounds. The same is applied for the avatar collection, from where you can add a touch of changes with new voices and visuals.  

5. Make your training intro and outro more ‘human engaging’, positive connection.

Even if the sessions could be sent to 5, 20 or 1000 employees at once, the way you will build your intro and outro should give them the impression to have a more personalised connection to you as it used to be during a discussion. Doing that you will better build the remote relationship with the trainees.  

For example, if you have a client service training because you need to increase the sales urgently due to tough market situation. I would go for an intro as follows (avatar speech):

Hi, As you know, our sales are going down because of lower prices from the competition. I believe that together, being more prepared we could make concrete steps to achieve better and reach our targets. So, the training sessions we will have together, are made to help you to get there.”

Making learning experience as it should be in 2021 using conventional training contents, it is like today plugging black&white TV set made in 70thit doesn’t work! 

A retrofit will not even help you to: 

  • Connect  
  • Get the colour  
  • Watch the results  

Become a learning-experience creative with what the technology offers you the best today. Enjoy the journey! 

Christophe Beaujard 

Contact us 

Some chats at the coffee-machines, when it was still possible 🙁 , between learning developers and content designersone said that’s how micro-learning was born few years ago.  

Learning experts motivated by some key facts bet on that move from classical e-learning sessions to micro-learning.  

But at that time, the ‘shape’ of micro-learning was not appealing enough for corporates, still engaged in heavy investments to implement classical LMS and e-learning solutions. Those solutions which were just digital versions of the typical classroom learning concept: too much information to digest (the feeling all trainees after sessions), too many data to follow-up, and all that during too long training sessions…  

All that built on past educational practices, established conventions, or assumptions about the learning process. 

This could explain why after a training session of several hours: 

  • 42% is forgotten after only 20 minutes,  
  • 66% is forgotten after 1 day,  
  • 75% is forgotten within a week!! ¨ 

We are not machines! 🙂

But still most of corporates keep their approaches to learning… is it because micro-learning looked too small, too simple?? 🙂

So, what are those key facts that initiated the micro-learning concept? 

They go simply from how we are made or more precisely how we remember things, and also how our society is changing. 


1) Our brain 

Decades ago, people thought that it is because you are intelligent that you can learn!  

Neuroscience findings prove the opposite. Learning is effective improvement factors of our working intelligence, and how our brain works. 

And thanks to the development of neurosciences, big steps were made in the understanding of learning process, resulting of brain-based learning approach. 

Brain-based learning refers to how teaching and learning content are designed using the basic of how our brain works. And some of the key outputs in successful learning practise are a) shorter content b) frequent session c) interaction 

To make it simple without being a brain expertwe all know that it is far easier to remember one page of text and to remember the content of one page by repeating short learning sessions than to have a full book to read and to remember. 🙂


2) Our society 

Our society is changing or to be accurate: e-learning doesn’t fit to millennials’ ways of learningnot modern? 

New generation learners have grown with and are used to access to on-demand services, to have the choice of personalisation, to evolve in an informal environment. 

Great to create employers branding to catch millennium talents, to offer flexibility in their working environments, but how to keep them engaged in a learning strategy. 

And to approach efficient and qualitative learning, the findings show that micro-learning suits to our capacity and attention spans. 


Micro-learning means: 

  • Shorter content. This is a convenient way to offer easy accessibility and flexibility to learners. Learners take control of their learning process setting their own pace and agendas. This is resulting in an increase of engagement. 
  • Straight to the point! Formatting content to micro-learning pushes the trainers to rethink the way content is shared keeping the focus on what is relevant. Doing so, the chance of memory losses as mentioned earlier is reduced. It means higher retention conversion. 
  • Quality learningWith the right focus on few topics only, making explanations relevant and limited to the topics, self-confidence in learning is increased together with more takeaways. 
  • Cost savings and productivity increase 

Yesthis is how we could say: A learning solution which saves costs 



According to experts like Ray Jimenez in his book 3-minute eLearning, short learning sessions which are the core of micro-learningbring concrete operational savings for the companies. 

Indeed, development costs can be reduced by 50% and increase the speed of development by 300%. 

As mentioned by our client:  

‘’MindBox allows us to save time in managing learning sessions. When you are clear about the topic you want to train, creating a training session in Mindbox cloud-based platform takes a maximum of 30 minutesIt is also obvious that we make important savings in costs related to e-learning platforms, training room rent and our commuting time to train 500 employees in the region’’ – HR responsible for training 

Benefiting to both the company saving strategy and employee learning engagement, micro-learning brings the right balance. On a stand-alone solution or integrated to existing LMS or e-learning, micro-learning is not only a format to apply, but a learning culture to change and adapt 

‘’We are not defining learning outcomes as retention, completion, coverage, certification or performance of some tasks while in the e-Learning process. Here, we define learning outcomes on the basis of how fast and how easily a learner is able to apply knowledge and skill to given tasks.’’ Ray Jimenez 


Christophe Beaujard 

Contact us 

MindBox VR

In today’s digital era, technology has been used to foster various ways to improve education. MindBox VR aims to further enhance and accelerate the learning process for employees in a fun and immersive manner, and according to independent software review platform FinancesOnline, we managed to achieve just that. In recognition of MindBox VR’s capabilities as an effective learning management system, FinancesOnline awarded our VR-ready training  platform their Great User Experience and Rising Star awards for 2018.

While implementing virtual reality technology might sound costly and daunting at first, FinancesOnline stated that our MindBox VR features reduces the need for costly on-site training as it offers “flexibility to create specific simulation scenarios.” All of this is possible without the need for in-depth technical knowledge, as scenarios can be prepared alongside its built-in universal modules and customize them to fit your needs, stated FinancesOnline.

The aforementioned remarks paved the way for MindBox VR to get commended as an effective learning and talent management platform and distinguished as a Great User Experience for 2018, a testament to our platform’s ease-of-use for both businesses and learners. MindBox VR

MindBox VR was reviewed under FinancesOnline’s best learning management system category, standing out from the rest thanks to its interactivity, modern keyword detection technology, mobility thanks to Android and iOS support, gamification, and much more. Overall, “you can achieve desirable training outcomes at a quicker pace and give your employees the ability to set their own training velocity,” stated FinancesOnline.

FinancesOnline also praised the software for its technological innovation that provides users flexibility in creating their learning courses. Examples of these, based on FinancesOnline’s review, include voice recognition to convert speech to text for response analyses.

Lastly, MindBox was also awarded the 2018 Rising Star title in our niche for garnering positive traction from clients and continuing to grow in popularity on the market.

MindBox VR

These awards have truly motivated our team to continue developing effective modern technologies to make trainings both fun and engaging. Visit FinancesOnline for the full review and leave your thoughts on how MindBox VR aspired your employees to learn.