Our future word called Metaverse
This is not a dream: in a very near future, you will use your avatar to have a social life, to meet your friends and relatives, to work, to go for culture event. All that in a virtual world…
This virtual world is called Metaverse.

Using training how you can turn ordinary into extraordinary? Part #2
Having in mind that employee’s training is worth the investment, what to do next?
You need to develop a training plan, with options for customization to match situations faced by your team members. The flexibility as well, allows…

Using training how you can turn ordinary into extraordinary? Part #1
What used to be is now turned to be a changing world. A corporate world where we now tend to focus most on the “here and now”, with many reorganizations trying to do more with less. This has direct impact on mental health and people…

Change management: a topic we can’t neglect
But how to train your team about change management or prepare them for ongoing changes when they are remotely managed? Take the advantages of VR micro-learning to turn it into an effective learning tool for inspirational change management…

Turn MindBox app into a talent pre-selection recruitment tool!
Yes, it can 🙂 !
Few months ago, for a job ad we posted we received 56 CVs, and only 5 were relevant. How many CVs do you have to screen to make sure you get some potential candidates with the feeling of wasting of your time?
MindBox can help you to…
Yes, it can 🙂 !

If HR professionals miss the way, e-learning could turn to become their nightmare
You and we don’t want that to happen. So, let’s get some tips about e-learning implementation in companies to be sure to get all the e-learning benefits.
It was a time when it was simply SIMPLE, to just approach a colleague, or have a chat…

Don’t be a bot!
What does it mean? Whenever you think micro-learning, you have to forget the way of creating contents for the good sake of making an e-learning session. Because not only the format of the micro-learning pushes you to rethink the structure of…

Small to achieve more: this is the secret of micro-learning
Some chats at the coffee-machines, when it was still possible 🙁 , between learning developers and content designers, one said that’s how micro-learning was born few years ago.
Learning experts motivated by some key facts bet…